There are 2 aims to this project:
- To provide and source advice to professionals in relation to cases of young children that have gone, or go missing from home.
- To advise, guide and listen to young people who run away. To enable those young people to make safer choices about how to look after themselves, and where appropriate to help them return home safely.
A consultation evening was arranged to utilise current/ex care leavers of CCBC to provide advice to professionals who regularly meet to discuss ‘missing children’.
These young adults (the ‘Buddies’) shared their reasons as to why they used to run away whilst in the care system. The main issue raised was that it would have been very helpful if they had someone to talk to whilst on the run.
Their idea was to offer a buddy/mentor service to young people who were missing so that the children could speak to someone who was not a professional and understood what they were going through due to their own past experiences. They want to offer a service to the children, to advise them how to keep safe, be someone they can talk to who will not judge them on why they have run away. The Buddies felt if they had someone who would have listened to them, it would have made a difference.
Buddies has now developed into a provision available to Children Services, North Wales Police and Barnardos. All agencies can make a referral for a Buddies intervention.
The creative work of the Buddies has been recognised in relevant inspections – ‘risky behaviour’, LAC inspection and recent fostering inspection.
Buddies have received relevant training to better equip them within this role and this will continue. Buddies have committed their time to monthly meetings as well as direct work with young people/children.
The young people/children that have received a service from a Buddy have commented that the service is of benefit to them as they feel listened to by someone who has had similar experiences to them.
Future work for the Buddies will look at preventative work with children potentially exposed to Child Exploitation which can lead to running away, and to deliver presentations of their work within the schools.