In March 2012 the Transformation Programme began by reviewing business processes and Service Structures in order to meet the requirements of the Social Services and Wellbeing Act 2014 and the financial challenges the department faces.
At this point we identified that our future aim would be to provide prevention services through increased engagement with partners in order to meet the requirements of the new Social Service and Wellbeing Act. It is acknowledged we will still need to continue to provide a managed care provision but prevention needs to be a thread throughout service delivery.
As a result a new departmental structure was developed within the context of financial resource available. The structure was instigated as of the 1st of October 2014.
The restructure was based on the Redesign Concepts identified at the conclusion of the Research Phase of the Transformation Programme
- Integration
- Responding to levels of Vulnerability
- Early intervention (prevention/re-ablement) aimed at preventing drawing clients into specialist teams.
- A framework of assessment that is proportionate to the case complexity and focused on outcomes sought.
- Working in Partnership
What’s changed?
The structure has significantly changed and is now divided into 2 areas:
1. Children Family and safeguarding
- Looked after Children – this service area consists of the Fostering Service and Glan y Afon Children’s Home. A decision has been made to relocate Tir Na Nog to the Disability Service and the Personal Advisory Service to the Vulnerable Peoples Service.
- Family Intervention Service – There is no fundamental change here but the Service Manger takes on the responsibility for overseeing the Emergency Duty Team.
- Youth Justice Service – There is no fundamental change here.
- Vulnerable Peoples Service – This is a new service area aimed at reducing dependency of both individuals and families. It takes a whole family approach and a decision has been made to have 3 Section’s as follows:
- Mental Health
- Vulnerable People overseeing the development of the new service targeting the most vulnerable in our communities working to reconnect them to their families and or support networks to reduce harm and prevent escalation of need.
- Vulnerable people Resources. A service aimed at maximising the expertise of community based staff working in delivering support using motivational techniques to reduce dependency and increase the likelihood of independence by working in partnership.
- Short term Depravation of Liberty (DOL’s) coordinator – a decision was made to dedicate resources to respond to the increased referrals.
Quality – This service aims to address the quality functions within the services as well as overseeing safeguarding and workforce development. There are 2 Sections:
- Quality – overseeing the quality cycle for all service users
- Safeguarding –bringing together the Child Protection facilitation and oversight, Independent Reviewing Officers and Adult Protection Coordinator. The amalgamation of these functions will enable a consistent approach to safeguarding regardless of age.
- Workforce development overseeing the development of a communication strategy and workforce plan
2. Integrated Adult and community Services;
Disability Services – Providing lifespan services to all people with a diagnosed Disability. As a result of research and an understanding of caseloads, needs analysis of projected demand and a desire to invest in early years and preventing dependency the service is divided as follows:
- Under 25
- Over 25
- Resources
Older Peoples Service –Mirroring the Health Localities of East and West with the aim for further integration of services within the newly developing Community Wellbeing Hubs of which there remains 5.
Community Wellbeing Service – Another exiting new service area aimed at developing the strategies to support people to be part of their communities. The aim is to develop community services which will support the most vulnerable. There is a need for close working with the Third and Independent sector and as a result the service has the oversight of the grants that are used to respond to the commissioning strategy and needs assessment. The Service is also responsible for the first point of contact for adult services (SPOA) and has operational oversight of a range of prevention Services. As a result it is divided into 3 sections:
- Prevention
- Third and independent Sector
What difference has it made?
The introduction of the new structure has seen a shift in policy and practice to earlier intervention, collaboration and a preventative approach to service delivery by the introduction of alternative ways of working therefore reducing financial resource to deliver services.
The new structure has enabled us to provide a more responsive information and advice service, proportionate assessments and sharing information which enables citizens to have a voice and control over their care.
The framework: