The Community Wellbeing Service was newly created in June 2014. One of its three sections, all of which are focussed on supporting people to achieve without creating dependence on services, is the Independent and Third Sector Relationships Section. The Social Services and Well-being Act requires that we understand our communities and their needs better, and that we work with them to develop services which meet those needs. We know that, with the financial challenges we face, we will not be able to meet those needs without close working with the independent/private sector or organisations in the third and community sector.
What’s changed?
In 2014/15 we identified the need for the team, and drew together existing staff roles which would form part of the team. We recognised that the team would need a manager and that a dedicated post to focus on commissioning services that weren’t for children and young people was also needed. These posts were advertised and recruited to. The staff who were already in post have proactively sought to work together, identifying opportunities for improved approaches and co-ordinated work.
What difference has it made?
Internally, we have changed the culture of our approach – we wish to work in partnership with our citizens and providers. Externally we want to ensure that the focus on prevention leads to fewer people needing more intensive support, as we will assist people to find the appropriate support when it is needed, as they work to maintain and retain their independence. The establishment of the team has set the clear direction of the Conwy Social Care approach; working with our community, providers and potential providers to develop the services needed within the county. The team has started to review existing contracts, identifying opportunities for improved arrangements and alternative approaches to commissioning.
(The difference made by the team will be seen most keenly over the next 12 months, as processes for managing grant allocations become more streamlined, needs-based market position statements will be developed to show the direction in which the authority is seeking development for services. A clear, focussed commissioning strategy will be developed, our approach to prevent escalation of need and ensure that people are supported to be independent will be evident within it.)