Whilst a number of risks have been identified within Mental Health, we are actively engaging with our Health colleagues to take mitigating action and manage these.
There have been concerns surrounding mental health services that have been identified as risks both for the service and for the Council corporately.
Concerns around the lack of integrated systems, processes, practice and culture between health and social care are being resolved via monthly Senior Management meetings, learning events and resulting action plan and follow up to ensure changes are embedded into practice. Improvements to the service have also been discussed and agreed.
There are also risks that poor performance information from Mental Health leads to operational difficulties (ie. those operational aspects of Community Mental Health Teams which are under CCBC control).
One potential solution that was trialled was the use of the Social Care Paris system by Health colleagues which worked well. However, Health will be using a different system and in the meantime have agreed to explore how performance data from their system can be supplied to support the data required by Social Care.
A report to Scrutiny in June 2016 will request support for the recommendation that we explore alternative models of delivery of mental health services.