This first section of the report summarises the progress made against priority areas identified by CSSIW following the publication of our 2014-15 report.
The main priority areas highlighted were as follows:
• Development and implementation of commissioning strategies.
• Developments within Mental Health Services.
• The impact of the Vulnerable People Service.
• The impact of the Edge of Care Panel.
• Performance in dealing with complaints.
As well as the areas outlined above, some service area specific priorities were highlighted, as follows:
Adults services:
• Community services for people with dementia.
• Mental Health Services.
• Timeliness and comprehensiveness of reviews.
• Management of applications for DoLS authorisations within time scales.
• Further development of the website.
Childrens services:
• Timeliness of initial and core assessments.
• Recruitment of Foster Carers.
• Percentage of young people who are known to be engaged in education, training or employment at the age of 19.
• Stability of placements.
• Completion of Market Position Statements and commissioning strategies.