Significant background work has been undertaken to take stock of current contracts, SLA’s and partnerships, and the Commissioning Strategy will be in place for consultation in December 2016.
The Commissioning team was established in the summer of 2015 with the appointment of:
- Independent and Third Sector Relationships Section Manager
- Commissioning Manager (Adults)
And supported by the realignment of staff:
- Commissioning Manager (Families First Lead)
- Information Officer
- Administrative Support
- Older People’s Strategy Officer
- Third Sector Liaison Officer (CVSC)
- Partnerships Facilitation team [from November 2015]
The team has reviewed existing documents from across services and met with Service Managers to review current services, undertake stock-take of current contracts, SLAs and Partnerships and discuss their on-going and future commissioning and support needs and intentions.
The Social Care Commissioning Strategy will be in first draft by December 2016. Market facilitation workshops will begin in May 2016, with Market position statements and a Population needs assessment complete by January 2017.
The Commissioning Strategy is an all-encompassing document which analyses needs, the current market, a shared vision for future service delivery, and our plans for service delivery in the next 1-5 years as well as the budgetary implications of these plans. We will be consulting with internal and external partners and stakeholders, current and potential service providers, as well as service users and their carers over the next few months and seeking their views on what social care services should be delivered in Conwy in the future, how they should be delivered and by who.