During 2014-15, the Conwy and Denbighshire CSE and Missing Children Task Group met quarterly. Barnardos also attend. The work of this group will be strengthened by a 3 year CSE Practitioner Project to raise awareness about Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and to improve the outcomes for young people identified as being at risk.
An increase in the number of SERAF meetings prompted a case audit. Key findings included:
- Good levels of multi-agency participation within the SERAF process
- The initial SERAF meeting highlights the potential risks and actions to be undertaken.
- Where significant risks are identified the Child Protection planning process is implemented
A Quality Assurance Case File Audit was also undertaken in relation to Missing Children.
The Audit focused on the child’s journey, the extent to which case records reflected an understanding of the reasons why the child was running away, the extent to which the All Wales Missing Children Protocol was adhered to in the assessment and management of risk, and the impact of contributions made by agencies on outcomes for the children.
‘Push’ and ‘Pull’ factors were built into the audit tool to explore this in more depth; some children ran to a situation that presented more risk. ‘Push’ and Pull factors were apparent in all of the cases audited. Peer influence was a significant ‘pull’ factor. ‘Push’ factors included running away from arguments and conflicts with parents, step parents or carers. Offending behaviour was noted in two cases. A lack of parenting boundaries was an issue in all cases. Young Person not in education or employment of training was identified as a theme in three of the cases.
To respond to the audit findings a Missing Children’s Workshop was held in April 2015. The workshop focused on procedural requirements and highlight good practice, including:
- More focus on Multi-agency working, good assessment of need taking full account of historical issues.
- Bespoke safety plans that incorporate the views of children and their families
- A focus on the quality of the child’s relationship with specific professionals and concerted efforts to listen and respond to the child’s views
- The need for a ‘good’ placement match with well supported carers.
A further audit around SERAF and Missing Childrens cases will be undertaken in 2015/16. Work is also being undertaken on a Regional Level to ensure all agencies are aware of their responsibilities in relation to CSE around awareness raising and also identification.
In Conwy, information on CSE is also presented at the Corporate Safeguarding and Corporate Parenting Panel. A presentation was given at Corporate Parenting in March 2015.