We have just produced our commissioning strategy which sets out how Conwy Social Care will work collaboratively with citizens, staff, communities, volunteers and partners to commission services that deliver outcomes, improved health and well-being, a cared-for workforce and better value for money. It aims to provide our citizens with what matters to them, and choice and control over their lives, as well as fulfilling our vision, “working together with our communities to enable everyone to get the best out of life”.
We have to change the way that we commission and work, as there is an increasing demand on services and citizens’ needs are becoming more complex. We have to deliver local, quality services with decreasing resources.
We have developed eight strategic objectives and our commissioning plan, which set out what we plan to deliver over the next three years. We have based them on the Quadruple Aims, identified in the Parliamentary Review of Social Care (Jan 2018), plus research, data and what citizens and partners have said to us via the County Conversation and consultation.
Strategic Objectives
Strategic Objective 1 – Focus on well-being outcomes
- We will be outcomes focused using the national well-being outcomes (Section 10) and we will continue to work towards fully embedding these through all aspects of our work and support providers to do the same.
- These outcomes include responsibilities that citizens themselves will undertake to help achieve their own well-being.
- The Welsh Language and our active offer underpins the delivery of these outcomes.
Strategic Objective 2 – Prevention
- We want citizens to be healthy and well, to stay healthier for longer and prevent or delay their need for care and support.
Strategic Objective 3 – Early intervention
- We will work collaboratively to identify areas for early intervention and take action as soon as possible so that citizens remain independent, families are resilient and children have a de-escalation of need.
Strategic Objective 4 – Working together
We will work together:
- With individuals, families and communities using a co-designed and co-production approach so that citizens will have more say, choice and control and be part of the decisions about their life. Ensuring equal involvement.
- With a wide range of partners and corporate partners nationally, regionally and locally to develop new models of seamless care and make best use of shared governance and resources.
- Drawing upon existing community strengths to build stronger, more sustainable communities.
- To focus our delivery at a local level so citizens’ needs are being met locally now, and in the future.
- By using innovative ways of involving citizens, especially those that are hard to reach.
- To actively develop good relationships with all our partners and learn together.
Strategic Objective 5 – Understand our customers, workforce and markets
- We will continue to use a wide range of data and information to develop evidence-based practice so we know our citizens, our workforce and the markets that we work in now and in the future.
- The care workforce will be engaged, supported, well trained and have a continual improvement approach. We want Social Care in Conwy to be a great place to work.
- Market stability and sustainability will underpin the work that we do and we will develop our approach to market shaping, supply and demand for services so that we can develop innovative ways of working to meet local needs whilst developing ethical supply chains.
Strategic Objective 6 – Citizens are safe
- Safeguarding will be integrated into everything that we do, so citizens can live free from harm, abuse and neglect.
- The services that we commission will be safe.
- Ethical employment practices in our commissioned services are important and we will be working with our providers to ensure that all our practices are ethical within our supply chain in relation to modern slavery, human rights abuses and unethical employment practices. Commissioning also has a key role to play in saying NO to modern day slavery.
Strategic Objective 7 – Quality and value for money
- Quality will also be integrated into everything that we do.
- We are committed to ensuring the delivery of high quality services and care, whoever is the deliverer.
- We will commission high quality and personalised services and we will check the quality of our services, citizens’ experiences and have a quality improvement plan so we continually learn and improve.
- We will have a targeted approach to the use of resources and they will be used efficiently and effectively and we will identify and eliminate waste which will modernise our approach to commissioning.
- We will start to look at the Social Value that we can create through the services that are delivered and the impact they have on our communities.
Strategic Objective 8 – Technology
- We will further develop our use of innovative technologies for example by extending telecare/assistive technologies/tele-health to improve our services, to maintain/promote individual independence and reduce the need for direct care and support.
- We will investigate where we can work more efficiently and effectively using technology, focusing on automation internally and with our providers.
How will we know how effectively we commission?
- As this commissioning strategy sets out to achieve outcomes for the citizens of Conwy, it will contribute to the delivery of the well-being outcomes, so these will be used as measures to assess the success of this strategy, alongside the delivery of our eight strategic objectives and our commissioning plan.
- Annually we will report on how our citizens meet these well-being outcomes.
- The commissioning strategy will be reviewed after three years, or sooner if changes are required.
- The commissioning plan will be monitored on an annual basis and reported to the Social Care and Health Scrutiny Committee.