To make sure that we are continually improving, we use information about how the services are performing and things we learn from listening to our “customers”. We analyse this information regularly and use it to make decisions about any changes that need to be made. This is a continuous process. Feedback days for staff keep them informed about findings from our audits, and any trends in performance that we need to be aware of, plus any findings from consultation with service users.
QA Feedback days
Quality assurance in Conwy involves the systematic monitoring and evaluation of practice, policies and procedures, with the aim of improving our services to achieve better outcomes for children and their families and developing an understanding of their needs. The 2012 CSSIW National Review for Outcomes for Children in Need inspection identified potential improvements in the Quality Assurance feedback process in Children Services in Conwy.
“However, the evidence was clear that social workers were unaware of the effect of quality management activity. As a result, the impact on the quality of professional practice was limited.”
Although we were providing regularly reports to managers regarding audit, performance information and consultation feedback, we needed to ensure that all staff began to receive messages regarding quality assurance information.
We have tried to develop a “Total Management Quality Assurance Framework” approach to the way we support practitioners. As part of the Quality Assurance Framework we now hold a quarterly feedback day with practitioners. We provide an overview of the last quarter audit feedback, performance information and consultation feedback from children and young people. We have now completed three QA feedback sessions.
The feedback from practitioners has been positive and practitioners have identified areas for improvement including:
- The need to develop Child in Need Consultation booklet for children, young people and families to encourage greater participation during the CIN process
- Request for an audit around reasons for the number of re-referrals in Conwy.
- Report to the LSCB regarding engagement of partner agencies around the initial CIN planning process