- We will roll out a new Pathway to Care Approach to assessment within the context of the new assessment tool and framework as agreed with WG. This innovative approach should enable effective consideration of the outcomes required for people and assess the success of applying eligibility only after the point of re-ablement.
- Feedback from Learning Disability Wales Qualitative work around outcomes
- Work with BCUHB to gain a clear understand of unscheduled admissions to District General Hospitals
- Work with BCUHB to develop preventative services
- We will implement the findings of our access to services project and implement the recommendations to ensure a proportionate response is received and that where people can be signposted to alternative non statutory services this is done.
- We will implement a pathway of care with Health partners that takes account of patient journey from hospital to Enhanced Health Care, Intermediate Care, re-ablement and to no services or 3rd sector support.
- To support people with Learning Disability we will Introduce a new assessment tool that focuses on people’ s ability not disability
- To support people with Learning Disability we will Introduce a progression model of provision to reduce the over provision and resulting restrictions this creates
- Develop a mechanism to record Service User outcomes and ensure adherence
- Development of the Children with Disabilities (CWD) Network, bringing together Health, Education and Social Services to create a single register of Children with Disabilities and from this develop a communication strategy utilising social media
- To analyse and recommend how the number of accreditation options for 16/17 year olds can be increased